Finding a Calm Place

     This is one of my favorite local places. I find that I can become calmer by coming to this park situated along the Connecticut River. I find myself missing it at times in the winter as I tend not to go there when it's cold, snowy and the paths tend to be icy. Yes, I live in a beautiful place, but I do spend more time indoors in the winter.
     I have to return to the discipline of going outdoors more when the weather begins to warm up, finding places that are clear and easy to walk. No mud when it becomes mud season here in Vermont. No lingering ice if at all possible. I once walked part of a local trail and slipped on a steeper incline that was a bit muddy coming down the incline. I can, unfortunately, lose my calm when I become clumsy like that.
     Walking the whole path in this park, or walking anywhere can be calming. I am, however, working on not being dependent on being in any particular place or doing a particular activity to be calm. Calmness helps me. I hope that my calmness helps those around me. I know that it certainly helps me to help my clients. I am more able to attune to them and their needs, to receive guidance from my angels and guides if the client session is a Channeled Angel Reading.
     I am finding that the best calm place for me is in my heart and mind. The fewer agitated ripples, the more I am able to help myself and others. I don't want to add to the hurt, anger, fear, and angst of this current age.
     I wish I could say that I am living in my calm place all the time. I can only say that I am working on it and hope that you find your calm place as well.

Please click here if you would like to learn more about me, my services and my book, Opening the Heart: Meditations on How to Be. 
