A Dream about my Uncle's Ghost (Spirit?)

This is a story about something that happened a number of years ago. You can judge for yourself whether it was merely a dream or something more than that -- a visitation possibly when I was in that liminal state between sleep and waking. 

I had traveled from the Chicago area where I was living to Michigan for my uncle's funeral. He'd had cancer and was in hospice at the time he died. I shared a motel room with my sister. I had this dream the morning of the funeral. I saw myself lying in bed and was suddenly cold. I saw my uncle's spirit lying next to me. I stuttered at first being really quite surprised. I managed to ask "How are you?". He replied "Dead." I was about to ask if he had message for my aunt when a very bright white light appeared at the end of the bed. I asked, instead, "What's that?" or something to that effect. His answer was "My guiding angel."

The rest of this story took place after the funeral at the lunch at my aunt's house. I was sitting next to my mother, a somewhat conservative Midwesterner. Two nuns from the hospice were sitting on my left. I told my mother about the "dream" and asked her if I should tell my aunt. She immediately said yes. Now the interesting part of this part of the story is that one of the nuns (who believe in the resurrected Jesus, saints and miracles) said "Oh no dear." I guess her belief system didn't extend to communication in any form with the dead who aren't saints.             

My memory ends here. I don't remember if I told my aunt. I think I must have as I think it would have comforted her that my uncle was fine and had company in passing over.

What do you think? Was this a dream? Was it real? Was it both? I tend to think it was both.

I found this photograph by Josh Marshall on unsplash.com.

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