Grieving for My Country and the World

This poem came to me yesterday morning, basically full blown: 

I have not wept much
since my parents died
a horrific 7-1/2 days apart.
So I grieve for my country
without crying.
I grieve for the world
and not a single tear.

©2019 Kathryn Samuelson

Interestingly I started to feel a little better once I wrote down this poem. I cannot, by myself, fix my country or the world. My angels and guides told me yesterday morning that the things I can do are donate to the causes I believe in, sign petitions, and act with loving kindness, compassion and justice.

So, I guess that's how I love my country and the  world. Oh, and continue to have hope and not give up.


The images are from my book, Opening the Heart: Meditations on How to Be. Please click here to find out more about me, my services and my book.
