Sometimes it Just Takes a Push or Two

A friend noticed an ad in a magazine (Wisdom Magazine I think) for a book publicist. I had seen this ad before, had looked at her website and decided that, based on the authors that she represents, I could not afford her services. But, because my friend pushed me by suggesting I look at her information, I contacted this publicist. We came to an agreement for a way I could afford a bit of her services. I would not have connected with this terrific woman if my friend hadn't, in a very gentle way, pushed me to see what I could find out. I am deeply honored that this publicist decided to support me in the way we agreed on. 

I am now pursuing some avenues for publicizing my book, Opening the Heart: Meditations on How to Be, that I might not otherwise be doing. I feel that the gentle push of my friend and this publicist has me standing on the shoulders of their support. You never know when you will find new people to add to your community. Or when people already in your community will step forward with an idea when you need it.

This small community of two has shed some much needed light. I am slowly reaching out to others to hopefully build more community around my book, to have others provide a gentle push here or there to move me in the direction I need to go.

May we all have the push that we need when we need it. May we all build our communities outward. 


The first photograph is my Mathew Schwartz. The second is by Corey Motta. The third was taken by Daan Stevens. I found all of them on This is the cover of my book: 

You can find out about it and my services at

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