My Hopes for You During this Season

My hopes for you during this season (and all year) revolve around growth, transformation and love. I hope that all of you, to paraphrase the loving kindness meditation, will be safe and secure, will be happy, will be well, and will live with ease. 

I hope for abundance of love, community and work that you love. May you have all that you need to sustain yourself and your family. May you be rich with friends and laughter. 

May you feel that you are more than enough and that you have enough, that you have no voids that need filling.

May you have the kind of connection to yourself, others, the world and the divine that sustains and fulfills. 

May you have clarity of vision. May you have inner peace and compassion for yourself that leads to creating peace and compassion with others. 

I hope that you learn to leave fear behind along with the anger and hate that it generates. 

And, may I have all these things as well. 

May we all come through to the light.

All 3 photographs are from The 1st is by Andrik Langield. The 2nd is by Brigitte Tohm. The 3rd is from Aperture Vintage.
