Reconciling Things

I am not quite sure, frankly, why I chose this picture of a waterfall in its frozen state other than it occurred to me that we have to reconcile that fact that sometimes a waterfall can be flowing and, at others, frozen. The topic of reconciling things popped into my mind because I was doing my monthly bank account reconciliation this morning.

How many seeming opposites does life contain that we need to reconcile. There is one of the most basic, day and night, dark and light. We need to be able to manuveur between the two. One of the debates that happens often is whether someone or something is that way it is because of nature or nurture. 

And, how can it be that people can be so open-hearted, brave and generous, yet people are full of fear, hate, anger, and isolationism? This is a truly big question that I am not sure I have the answer to. I do know that what I can do is choose which way I wish to live my life. 

My tag line on my email and my website (here) is Open Your Heart - Blossom in the World. Maybe I chose this picture knowing unconsciously that, when you choose fear, hate, anger, and isolationism, your heart closes down. Or, maybe it's when you close down your heart, you end up with fear, anger, hate, and isolationism.

I look at how many flowers are open to the world and face whatever comes. They take in the sunshine. They live through the rain. They go dormant and then come alive. Always, seemingly to me, open-heartedly.

May each and everyone of us find a way to face life open-heartedly.
