Water Lily

The fifth plant in Opening the Heart: Meditations on How to Be (here) is the water lily, that plant that grows in mud and water. The water lily is bright and open. In fact, one of the meditations using water lily in the background is this: 

The poem that came to me in relation to water lily is:

Water Lily

Out of the muddy,
watery depths. Out of the
dark of the earth, through
the half-light of the pond,
water lily grows upwards.
Full flowered, supported by
stem and leaf.

From the heart of earth
into the heart of air.
From mud to the fire of


©2017 Kathryn L. Samuelson

Samantha Gray on page 96 of her book, The Secret Language of Flowers (here), says that water lily is "Beauty: Enlightenment: Mental Purity: Love: Purity of Heart: Mystic Powers." Which of these it is depends on its color according to Buddhist tradition. Water lily is a star that fell to earth and turned into a flower in one South American legend. It seems the water lily has fascinated humans across time and across the globe. 

It seems, according to the Green Hope Essences website (here), that different color water lily essences have different things that they assist us with. Because the lilies in the book are white, that is the information I will pass on to you first. 

White Water Lily, Nymphaea tuberosa

Helps us confidently surrender to the perfect geometry of divinity's unfolding plan for us
White Water Lily helps us know all is unfolding in divine order. It helps us feel a part of a seamlessly beautiful process. It will remind us that what appears to be a 'losing game' is really one of winning the only valuable reward, our freedom from all illusion and remembrance of our oneness with God.
Green Hope Essences also has information for yellow and pink water lilies. This that information: 

Yellow Water Lily, Nuphar variegatum

Helps us feel our complete connection to our source even during tumultuous times.
Anchored to the lake bottom while also floating perfectly atop its watery world, Yellow Water Lily never wavers in its certainty it is one with its source. It welcomes the nourishment it needs from both above and below and helps us feel similarly cradled and supported. It helps us find our own unwavering sense of rootedness in the divine and a serenity no matter what storms rage.

Pink Water Lily, Nymphaea pubescens

Unburdening our hearts' sorrows
Pink Water Lily helps unburden our hearts of their deepest aches and sorrows. It does this with such finesse and gentleness that this unburdening feels like a caress not a housecleaning. Pink Water Lily anchors us to the vibration of love no matter what emotional events rock our world. This one works so softly and deeply that it feels like a prayer of peace moving through our bodies.
As with all the plants in the book, I hope that they help you find your way on your journey.
