Breathe - So Say the Angels

It struck me this weekend as I was contemplating what is going on around the globe that it can easy to become stuck, to in essence stop breathing fully. Shallow breathing can keep us in a frantic mood, keep us in despair and with an inability to act. Then the first meditation in my book came to mind.

The first meditation saying that came through from my angels and guides for my book, Opening the Heart: Meditations on How to Be (here), was this: 

How apt, I think, for this time of transitioning from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age. Things are in deep flux right now. Those of us who are old enough to remember the Sixties and all that went on, including the belief in change and better things to come can easily be despairing at the old hates and angers rising up and out. But, can we change and transition without purging what lies underneath?

And this is where breathing deeply comes in. We breathe out what doesn't serve us personally. We breathe in what is healthy for us. This allows us to then become, in whatever way we are called, to become the Shambhala Warriors that Tibetan prophecy speaks about. Because, when we breathe deeply and breathe through we can dream what we wish to bring into being.

I took a circular breathing class a number of years ago at Circles of Wisdom in Andover, MA. In fact, I took is several times. I can remember the release I felt when I breathed deeply in the concentrated way that the class called for. I could feel my blood fizzing with the oxygen I was breathing in so deeply. I think it this is the time to pay attention to our breath so that we can release and, at the same time, energize ourselves.  After all, according to the angels and guides, action is the counterpart to breath.
