Something for the Times

I am not going to post much politically based thoughts on this blog, but I feel called to speak out about living in hope and not from fear, anger and greed. 

My angels and guides gave me most of the text for my book, Opening the Heart: Meditations on How to Be. The first meditation that came through is this: 

I needed this reminder this morning. Slow down and breathe.

It's companion mediation in the book is this: 

I think we can, if we choose, see hope in the fact that the popular vote actually went a different direction than the Electoral College. We can then be the action in the world to bring compassion, kindness, and to stand up against racism, sexism, and xenophobia. We can stand with the Standing Rock Souix. 

So, as my angels and guides said, breathe, but act. I would add that action should come from compassion and kindness and not devolve into anger and violence. 
